Can the face be refreshed with essential oils?

Essential oils are used in many cosmetic products for skin rejuvenation. They are good because they fight against sagging and wrinkling, except in purchased products their content is so small that sometimes a cream or other care product does not justify the money spent. It is in such cases that it is worth using proven folk recipes, picking them up under your skin and adhering to the features of using essential oils.

What you need to know before using such substances

Natural esters are a highly concentrated product that should not be used in their natural form, so as not to harm yourself or cause burns. The oils used are made by pressing the seeds, leaves and flowers of plants.

Esters are obtained during the first strain, cosmetic oils are seen with the second. Mixing these two different products is not recommended, their concentrations will be too high.

The use of essential oils should be taken with a number of precautions:

  • They may not be mixed more than 7 pieces at a time. Most often in home recipes there is a combination of two or three components.
  • Before use, all oils must be tested for skin tolerance, so allergy testing is a must. To do this, you need to apply a few drops of the selected oil on your wrists, rub it a little and wait a quarter of an hour, if no deviations are seen, the ether can be used.
  • Essential herbal products have a strong odor that can have a negative impact on people with a sensitive odor or expectant and breastfeeding mothers. Oil vapor enters the body through the respiratory tract and can trigger an allergy in a baby.
  • You can use the same oil for three weeks, then it needs to be replaced with some other analogs, and after the same period you can return to your original choice. This is necessary so as not to cause addiction to the skin.
  • Esters have phototoxicity, it is best not to use them just before going out, otherwise hyperpigmentation will occur.
  • Choice of essential oils should be based on their effect on a particular skin type and odor, some useful herbal products have an irritating aroma that can lead to headaches.
  • If the ether enters the eyes or mucous membranes of other organs, it is necessary to rinse with boiled water or eye drops.
  • Oils are applied to the skin without tearing and stretching, which treats the most severe problem areas.
  • After combining the ether with the base, which is a cream or lotion, the resulting mixture can be applied to the décolleté, face and neck. It is best to heat the base up to 40 degrees.

Types of essential oils for facial rejuvenation and how to use them

girl with rejuvenated skin oils

Modern cosmetology offers a huge variety of different body care products. Recently essential oils have become particularly popular as cosmetic preparations.

In particular, anti-aging essential oils can have a smoothing, tonic, and some other positive effects.

Essential essences, whose action is focused on skin rejuvenation, are presented in a wide range. Among the most suitable essential oils for rejuvenation, the following are distinguished.


Helps combat oily skin problems:

  • blackheads and acne;
  • excess fat secretions;
  • enlarged pores;
  • purulent-inflammatory rash;
  • irregularities in the epidermis.

From it you can prepare a cleansing mask that destroys dead cells and gives a matte finish to the skin. To prepare it, mix 4 drops of rosemary with 2 tbsp. spoons of grape seed oil.


The ether perfectly moisturizes the skin along with the cream, it tones it and rejuvenates it by restoring elasticity, even for aging skin. Pink ether can:

  • eliminate the first wrinkles;
  • remove foci of inflammation;
  • rebalancing the perimeter;
  • smooth surface of scars and scars;
  • giving skin elasticity;
  • restoring facial contours.

Refreshing rose oil. Includes: Vitamin E, liquid honey in the amount of 20 grams, almond and rose oil, which you need to take 2 drops. After mixing all the components, the mixture is kept on the face for half an hour. Then all the remnants of the mask are washed.


Obtained from the fruits of an evergreen shrub by strain, most of the product is composed of fatty acids, combined with collagen and vitamin E. The oil has many beneficial properties for the skin: moisturizes, nourishes, softens and acceleratesit regenerates. .

As a rejuvenating agent from jojoba oil is used lotion, prepared from 3 drops of lavender ether, 7 tbsp. bed of jojoba and 4 drops of carrot seed oil. All the ingredients are combined and mixed in a glass container, it is best to prepare a small bottle for this. Its content should be applied to the face twice a day, repeat the procedure for 10 days, and then it will be enough to use the lotion once every two days.


facial skin massage with oil for rejuvenation

It is often used in formulations of anti-aging masks, creams and serums, due to its wide range of positive features:

  • skin rash prevention;
  • saturates the epidermis with moisture;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles and does not notice acne spots or blemishes left after boiling;
  • increases firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • gives the face a healthy tone.

A refreshing coconut butter mask is prepared as follows:

  • take 1 tsp. cocoa product and combine it with the same amount of condensed milk and fruit juice;
  • the oil should be heated before use to ensure optimal mixing of products;
  • the mask is applied to the face and kept for a quarter of an hour, then washed with warm water or herbal infusion.


The woody aroma of this oil is used in the most expensive perfumes, and the healing properties of this tree are used in cosmetology for age spots, freckles and flabbiness of the skin. Sandalwood moisturizes them and improves vascular tone.

Here is a refreshing recipe based on sandalwood oil: you need to combine 16 ml of sandalwood oil, the same amount of vetiver ether, 3 drops of frankincense and 1 drop of sandalwood. After applying the mixture on the face, it must be kept for 25-30 minutes.

It not only rejuvenates the skin, but also eliminates acne.

Reviews and prices

Essential oils are quite affordable and are great ways to extend the youth of the skin, for their successful use, you just need to follow the general recommendations and in any case apply them on the skin in its natural form. There are many recipes with them, it's hard to immediately guess with the right one, so it will take time to find the best option for your skin.

For those who are worried that the oil can clog pores, there is no doubt in their use, since their content is so small in the base that it does not affect it in any way, other than, the product goesnaturally easily penetrates the skin, you can. just need to pick up real oil.

You can buy complete sets of oils, but you only need to consider that these natural products have a shelf life of 3 years.